Soulmate Love
My gestures and attitudes make the great love I feel for you more evident every day. There is no one who does not notice that I am different, that I am a bit "spacey", that I cannot concentrate on anything, and that all my thoughts lead to your image, to your seductive face.
You have bewitched me, enchanted me in such a way that I am able to feel you in me at any time of the day. I breathe and exude you, and I feel more and more yours with each passing minute (and how long they take to pass when you are not around!).
On the other hand, when we are together I wish time would stop. I wish each second would become eternity, so that we would never be separated or apart. I savor every moment of your company. I absorb your perfume, I memorize your features, every detail of your face, your hands, your nails!
I am more and more irremediably yours. And I feel like I'm in paradise every time I delve deeper into understanding this feeling. I'm yours and I want to be yours forever, because you allow my soul to travel through beautiful dreams, because you make my heart beat softly and slowly, as if it were playing a beautiful and melodious romantic ballad.
I don't know what else to tell you, my soulmate, I just want you to be sure that I love you! I love you so much!
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