To my great love

Maybe I don't express myself
as I would like, but it's a
different feeling. Talking to you is
a joy for me. Everything about you
catches my attention.
Your way of thinking, speaking, and acting
are special.

Maybe that's why I feel
so good with you. Of course,
we can find different ways
to tell someone how significant
a meeting of fate is. It's a
pleasant surprise. You're a very special person
, and your
sweet and caring ways
simply fascinated me.

It was great to have met you.
Every day you surprise me
with your actions that enchant me,
and I feel very happy
to be part of your life.

Fate crosses
people's paths so that
they can complete each other and be happy,
regardless of the time.

Happy Birthday! And know that
I'm thinking of you!

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