My beloved, receive my happy birthday

Loving without you around is a desert. I miss you so much! There are days when I think I can't bear it, the longing is so overwhelming that sometimes it makes me stop breathing! How I want to hug you, kiss you and rest in your lap.

How I want to feel the warmth of your body and hear the beating of your heart next to mine. But I know that our love is strong and no matter the distance, our hearts will always continue to beat in sync.

My love, my beloved, today is your birthday and it hurts even more not to be by your side. But I blow from here the best wishes for life for you and for us. I know that you are the one who blows out the candles and the wishes are all yours, but I wish that soon we can be together, without miles of land separating us.

Receive my love, my affection, and all the good things that life has to offer you. Congratulations and much happiness! I save my love and my most affectionate hug for you. I love you very much!

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